Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Photo Essay...

Insights into Presidential Flatulence

It is a little known fact that President Obama is quite fond of his flatulence. My, how he loves to let a good one rip amongst his fellows, oft times surprising them in the process. Presidential photographers have been lucky enough to catch his reactions to his own gas and in doing so have opened up a never before seen side of the Chosen One. Now let us glimpse into the magical world of Presidential Flatulence.

"Mmmm, nothing like a cold glass of beer."

"BEER FARTS! Always funny."

"Yes, that was me..."

"Play it cool, man. Play it cool."

"Note to self: there is nothing funny about bratwurst and sauerkraut. Everyone loses"

"Did I just do that? Don't act like you're not impressed."

"Savor it, every little ounce of it. Close your eyes and let it become part of you."

" Oh...thats potent. I promised myself I wouldn't go with the brats and kraut. My bad."

"I gambled...and lost."

"I really need to stop with the brats and sauerkraut."


L S. "Spencer" Olsen said...


TheFirehouse said...

Sick and wrong. But as Spence said, "nice."

Andrea Olsen said...

This makes me giggle on the inside. made me giggle out loud.