Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I know, I know...

I know I said it was going to be an Obama Free week, but this is just too much to keep quiet on.  Seems Obama wants to charge wounded Vets for their healthcare, specifically charging the soldiers private insurance companies for wounds received in combat.  Does this a-hole have no shame?




According to the story, the American Legion president asked to meet with Obama to discuss this idea the Obama people had to crap all over our soldiers.  Obama has said they plan to move forward with the plan.


Anyway, I highly suggest you post this story on your own blogs, so people can know that this is happening.  It was on the top of Drudge today, and last night, but I think the media is going to be silent on this one.  I for one hope he tries it, and by doing so commits political suicide.  There are a lot more people in this country that support the troops, both conservative and liberal, than the 10,000 hippie, commie, code pink anti-war idiots out there.


I now return to an Obama free week…

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