Monday, March 16, 2009

Obama free week...

So, I was thinking that while Obama is still a fart head, I grow tired of ranting about all the dumb, communistic things he is doing.  I also believe that for the 4 people that read this blog, I am preaching to the choir. 


HEAR YE, HEAR YE!  Henceforthe the Grand Earl the Most Wise of Rockwood of Independence grants and declares this blog to be Obama free for the next week!  (Of course he will retain the Obama/Lenin graphic because it amuses the Grand Earl the Most Wise of Rockwood of Independence.)


So now I will be sharing an amusing and thought provoking blend of my deepest innermost fears and desires.  For example:


Innermost Fear:  A return of Captain Planet to brainwash my kids.

Innermost Desire:  A couple of more guns.


Innermost Fear:  Running out of TP after eating at Supertown China Buffet.

Innermost Desire:  Bidet


Peace- I’m out.


1 comment:

Andrea Olsen said...

captain planet.. he's my hero.. ha ha.
I've always wanted to be blue though.