Thursday, March 5, 2009

BREAKING NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Obama’s hair is going grey!  GREY!!!!!!!!! Tune in at 6 for this urgent news bulletin as we discuss the possible reasons why his hair is going grey and what this means to you and your family.




CNN Headline News in progress:


Karl the anchor:  We have Professor Rosefart with us from Wedon’tstink University here to discuss this fascinating phenomenon.


Rosefart:  Thank you for having me on.  There are really only two reasons why this is happening.  To understand more fully, we need to look back to the change that Moses went through when he received the 10 good suggestions.  As he spoke to God, or Allah, or anyone or all of the Hindu gods, or perhaps even the Native American Half Coyote, Half Penguin God , his hair turned grey.  Now we all know Moses is a myth, but often times these types of folklore do in fact have half truths.  Moses was a very wise and revered leader, smarter than all the Israelites and he saved them from their slave masters.  Obama is much the same as a modern day moses, saving us all from the slave masters of Capitalism. If anyone has any doubt about this Moses-Obama connection, just look at his hair.  This is a consensus and the debate on that point is now over.


We really don’t even need to discuss reason number two, as it involves a strictly physiological explanation of as a person gets older, and sometimes with added stress, hair can turn grey.  But, this can quickly be refuted as Obama is young still, and has parties every Wendsday night at the White House.  This means the only possible explanation is Obama is so incredibly wise and smarter than all of us that his brain power has turned his hair white, much like Moses, or whoever the figure was that Moses was based on.


Karl:  There you have it, the science is settled, the debate is over.  Obama is smarter than all of us and will free us from being wage slaves to capitalism.  All Hail Obama!!!!!  And before we let you forget it, Rush wants our dear leader to fail!!!!!





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