So, Obama was getting some heat for relying too much on a teleprompter. So he got rid of it. Sort of.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Obama and his teleprompter
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Now Obama can make fun of retarded people, I mean handicapable, or intelligently challenged…or whatever they are calling the people that participate in Special Olympics. It’s ok, because he is The One.
P.S. I could really care less, I thought it was a funny comment, but then again I am an intolerant conservative middle aged male.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
AIG, Bonuses, American Idol, and other things I don't really care about...
Now, don’t get me wrong, I could care two licks about AIG and the bonuses. Why? Because I am a capitalist, and don’t really care what a private company does, or doesn’t do. Bonuses? Puhlease. This is something that has backfired in the face of the democrats (and three republicans.) who rushed through a stimulus bill that no one read. So, now they are trying to paint AIG as a bunch of Cheney-like Blackwater Evil Corporation Conglomerate to take attention off of their lack of attention. In case you have been asleep, our favorite financial guru Chris Dodd shoved an amendment in there ok’ing bonus packages for companies receiving bribes, err, uh, bailout money. It is even conveniently called the ‘Dodd Amendment.’
Now, I suppose everyone would think that someone in the current administration would have to fall on the sword in order to protect ‘The One.’ Not so. That oldest of old political instincts have kicked in, and this little gem of a story is now out there.
I think the only thing AIG is guilty of is, well two things, Executives that ran the company into the ground, and taking money from the Gov’t. I am also truly surprised that Dodd, a democrat, is challenging the Premier, er, I mean President. Any bets on how long it takes for Dodd to turn up dead (politically)?
Peace- I’m out.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Children and small miracles
It is always heartwarming to see one of your kids working through a problem on their own. You can really get a glimpse of what they are truly capable of without any parental help. It is amazing to see these moments, and nothing makes a parent more pleased than to witness such situations. Just the other day, Eryn read a random title out loud from the tv. She didn’t need any help. Nor did she hesitate even a second in trying to figure out what the words were. To watch Grant try to figure out how the remote works, or how to open some sort of contraption is nothing short of watching a genius at work. This may sound trite to some, but when you witness your own offspring and see their potential it is a miracle in and of itself. Just this morning another one of these small miracles occurred, and Sharel was able to witness it unfolding. Rachel had just gone into the bathroom, and after a few moments Sharel walked by the door and heard Rachel talking to herself. “You can do it!” Rachel declared through a strained voice. “You can do it!” Seems Rachel had a stubborn turd and was pep talking herself to expel the aforementioned turd. As I said, there is nothing quite as satisfying as seeing one of your children become more independent and take matters into their own hands.
P.S. everything came out ok in the end.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I know, I know...
I know I said it was going to be an Obama Free week, but this is just too much to keep quiet on. Seems Obama wants to charge wounded Vets for their healthcare, specifically charging the soldiers private insurance companies for wounds received in combat. Does this a-hole have no shame?
According to the story, the American Legion president asked to meet with Obama to discuss this idea the Obama people had to crap all over our soldiers. Obama has said they plan to move forward with the plan.
Anyway, I highly suggest you post this story on your own blogs, so people can know that this is happening. It was on the top of Drudge today, and last night, but I think the media is going to be silent on this one. I for one hope he tries it, and by doing so commits political suicide. There are a lot more people in this country that support the troops, both conservative and liberal, than the 10,000 hippie, commie, code pink anti-war idiots out there.
I now return to an Obama free week…
Monday, March 16, 2009
Obama free week...
So, I was thinking that while Obama is still a fart head, I grow tired of ranting about all the dumb, communistic things he is doing. I also believe that for the 4 people that read this blog, I am preaching to the choir.
HEAR YE, HEAR YE! Henceforthe the Grand Earl the Most Wise of Rockwood of Independence grants and declares this blog to be Obama free for the next week! (Of course he will retain the Obama/Lenin graphic because it amuses the Grand Earl the Most Wise of Rockwood of Independence.)
So now I will be sharing an amusing and thought provoking blend of my deepest innermost fears and desires. For example:
Innermost Fear: A return of Captain Planet to brainwash my kids.
Innermost Desire: A couple of more guns.
Innermost Fear: Running out of TP after eating at Supertown China Buffet.
Innermost Desire: Bidet
Peace- I’m out.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Random Thoughts and Musings...
ABC’s ‘Lost’- Sharel and I are like crack addicts when it comes to this show. At times we question why we are even wasting our time watching it, and vow to not watch it again, yet every Wed. night at 8pm, we plop our rear ends on the couch, grab the remote and another night of self-loathing commences.
Ammo- They can’t make ammo fast enough to keep it in stock. Anywhere. Sure wish I worked in an ammo factory. Maybe the economy is bad because people are pulling money out of the stock market to stock up on guns and ammo.
Speaking of ammo- I just read a book called “The Bias Against Guns.” By John Lott, Jr. It is obviously a very one sided book, meant to balance out the mountains of anti-gun books out there, but it does paint quite a picture of selective reporting from the media when it comes to guns. A few fun facts…
1. Car accidents are the number 1 killer of children under ten. Where does accidental shooting fall? Well, I don’t have the exact number, but kids under ten drowning in 5 gallon buckets was far greater than kids accidently getting shot with a gun. Methinks we need some 5 gallon bucket control.
2. The statistic that accounts for “children” being killed with a gun classifies “children” as anyone under 21 years old. 90% of the gun deaths found in this statistic are 16-20 year old gang members being murdered with guns.
3. A news story about a gunman who opened fire at the Appalachian Law School was very skewed. Seems a gunman opened fire on campus and 3 students, according to media reports “tackled him, and disarmed him.” What 99% of the media did not report is 2 of the students ran to their cars, retrieved firearms and confronted the gunman. They pointed their weapons at him, told him to drop his weapon and then 2 others ran up behind the gunman and tackled him. When a reporter was asked about the missing pieces, he replied that he did not want to even give the idea that a gun could be used for good to the public.
There are quite a few other facts in there. If anyone has an indoctrinated aversion to guns, guns in the home, etc, I would recommend this book. I didn’t happen to agree with some of what he said, but he backs up all of his arguments with cold hard facts, something that the media seems loathe to do. Why, for those of you who know how to decipher statistics, he has raw data in there for you to pore over and crunch your own numbers. Let me clarify, the one thing I did not agree with was his argument against keeping a gun locked up in the home. While I agree it should not be a mandatory thing to keep your gun locked up, and he makes some compelling arguments against keeping a gun locked up- backed up with cold, hard, facts, -personally I will keep my guns locked up, although quickly accessible. Just really more of a personal preference, but it is hard to argue against the facts he presents.
60 years ago, a ten year old could walk down to the hardware store with $25 and buy a WWII surplus 1911 and a box of ammo. If there wasn’t a hardware store nearby, $15 and a Sears Catalog and he could have a rifle shipped right to his door. Schools in NYC had shooting ranges in their basements, as every high school had a rifle team. Kids carried guns into school every day without a problem. Certainly things have changes, kids seem to be more detached from society, and less responsible, but the culture with the media’s help have equated guns in most of our minds with small pox or the plague. Something to be scared of and avoided at all costs. It really has become an irrational fear in our society.
Music Guy knows my stance on guns, and he says he can respect that, as his dad and intellectually inferior brothers are all gun owners. But, he has fallen into a common trap that the powers to be have set. He fully believes he is an advocate for gun rights, except he thinks that evil, black, assault rifles are well, evil and should be banned. Of course, he is the same type of guy that thinks no one should be able to buy SUV’s. See, this is just the type of thing that infuriates me. Liberty, as far as I can tell, enables us to make choices. Restricting and banning really does take away our liberties. Most of the 2nd amendment people are trying to preserve some individual rights, its more symbolic of our rights as people rather than it being about guns.
The socialist, or ‘progressives’ try to convince people that they are still retaining freedom of choice, but in reality are taking it away. What they give you is this-“You can choose this chocolate candy, or you can choose this sugar-sweetened cocoa confection.” Wow, I have can choose chocolate, or…chocolate. Progressive liberals seem to be very good at this. Many good, intelligent people often fall for this. We see it with trucks, guns, food, etc. The prevailing argument seems to be “Insert noun here is not really necessary. People don’t really NEED insert noun here.” When did the American Dream become attaining only what we need? It is just more collective, populist thinking of the good of the many outweigh the good of the few. Spock really was a communist, wasn’t he.
Peace- I’m out.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Now for something completely different...
I grow tired of politics, so I will be switching gears and talking about movies. I love movies. Here are some of my favorite movies in no particular order of favoriteness.
Red Dawn
Good, Bad and the Ugly
For a Fistfull of Dollars
The Dark Knight
Batman Begins
Rocky I, II, IV
The Patriot (not the steaming pile of dog doodoo with Steven Segal, the one with Mel Gibson)
Sons of Provo
Cinderella Man
The Hunt for Red October
Patriot Games
Roadhouse (Only because it is soooo incredibly bad.)
Dirty Harry
Kelly’s Heroes
There are more, but time runs out, so more later.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
BREAKING NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obama’s hair is going grey! GREY!!!!!!!!! Tune in at 6 for this urgent news bulletin as we discuss the possible reasons why his hair is going grey and what this means to you and your family.
CNN Headline News in progress:
Karl the anchor: We have Professor Rosefart with us from Wedon’tstink University here to discuss this fascinating phenomenon.
Rosefart: Thank you for having me on. There are really only two reasons why this is happening. To understand more fully, we need to look back to the change that Moses went through when he received the 10 good suggestions. As he spoke to God, or Allah, or anyone or all of the Hindu gods, or perhaps even the Native American Half Coyote, Half Penguin God , his hair turned grey. Now we all know Moses is a myth, but often times these types of folklore do in fact have half truths. Moses was a very wise and revered leader, smarter than all the Israelites and he saved them from their slave masters. Obama is much the same as a modern day moses, saving us all from the slave masters of Capitalism. If anyone has any doubt about this Moses-Obama connection, just look at his hair. This is a consensus and the debate on that point is now over.
We really don’t even need to discuss reason number two, as it involves a strictly physiological explanation of as a person gets older, and sometimes with added stress, hair can turn grey. But, this can quickly be refuted as Obama is young still, and has parties every Wendsday night at the White House. This means the only possible explanation is Obama is so incredibly wise and smarter than all of us that his brain power has turned his hair white, much like Moses, or whoever the figure was that Moses was based on.
Karl: There you have it, the science is settled, the debate is over. Obama is smarter than all of us and will free us from being wage slaves to capitalism. All Hail Obama!!!!! And before we let you forget it, Rush wants our dear leader to fail!!!!!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
RE: Yesterday's Post
A few things:
Yes, I resorted to the lowest possible form of humor- the fart joke.
No, I am not ashamed.
Yes, there will be more Obama Fart posts.
Why? Because it amuses me. And I think Obama is a fartface, and it just so happens that many photos of him depict him with a post fart expression.
To more serious deep thoughts-
I just read a book about the Marines in Fallujah. It was called “No True Glory” I believe. After reading the book, I am fully convinced the US Marine Corps is the most fierce and awesome fighting force known to man. But what really struck me is some of the stories of their General, General James Mattis. They had some photos in the book, and one was of Mattis. He is old, and looks like an old farmer grandpa. He has gray hair, droopy neck fat, and huge saggy ears.
So, this old guy kicks rear-end. Here are some stories out of the book:
While driving to Baghdad for a meeting with the Provisional Government, he hears over the radio that there are some Marines engaged in a firefight nearby. Most Generals would probably make a note of it, and see if they could send some help. What does Gen. Mattis do? He directs his driver and his 12 vehicle convoy to the fight. He spends the next three hours in battle gear directing his troops and calling in airstrikes.
The next story takes a little background, so bear with me.
Fallujah is the Arkansas or West Virginia of Iraq. The people there are mostly illiterate and the rest of Iraq despises them. It also happens to be where Saddam recruited most of his worst thugs to enforce his iron fisted ruling. So, they enjoyed a certain amount of being feared by the rest of the country. You can imagine what happened after Saddam was ripped from power. Fallujah is also known throughout Iraq as gangster central. Many competing tribes in that area make their living through extortion, intimidation and outright theft.
When the Americans came in, they shut down all these “enterprises.” Well, that did not go over so well, and so Fallujah was one of the most dangerous places in Iraq. To make a long story short, the Marines were told to take the town, sieze it. When they were halfway done, political pressure came down and they were ordered to stop, and pull out. Eventually they turned security and responsibility to quell the violence over to an Iraqi National Guard unit made up of some of the very people fighting against the Marines. So, Americans were told to stay out, that Iraq would take care of the city on its own.
This created a lawless safe haven for every insurgent and terrorist who wanted to come and fight the Americans. Kidnapping became the de facto sport of the city and most of the stories we heard about Americans being kidnapped took place in Fallujah. The mayor of the city was also one of the biggest insurgent leaders in Iraq at the time.
Back to Gen Mattis. Mattis wanted a meeting with the mayor in order to work out some sort of agreement to stop all the terrorism that was emanating from Fallujah. The mayor agreed but wouldn’t come out of the city, he wanted Mattis to meet him. The stipulation was that Mattis could only be accompanied by 9 vehicles, humvees only, no tanks or Bradley Fighting Vehicles. Mattis’ staff urged the Gen. not to go, fearing an ambush, as at that time Mattis had a price on his head from the insurgents. Mattis pulled macho stunt number one:
He said he was going to go, and hoped that he would get attacked, so the Marines would have an excuse to level the town. He positioned most of his Marines just outside the city ready to fight. Then he went into the city.
Nothing happened. He got to the meeting with the mayor just fine. Now came macho man stunt #2: While in the meeting he kept expecting his men outside to be attacked, after all they were 30 Marines in the middle of a a very hostile enemy controlled city of tens of thousands. He said that he figured that the second he heard shooting outside, he was going to pull his sidearm and put two bullets into that “SOB mayor’s head” before he was shot.
Fortunately, or as Mattis felt- unfortunately, nothing happened. He was hoping beyond all hope that someone could do something because he needed a valid excuse to take out the city.
Anyway- I just thought this grandpa guy is a huge bad***. Which makes the Marines that much cooler.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
A Photo Essay...
It is a little known fact that President Obama is quite fond of his flatulence. My, how he loves to let a good one rip amongst his fellows, oft times surprising them in the process. Presidential photographers have been lucky enough to catch his reactions to his own gas and in doing so have opened up a never before seen side of the Chosen One. Now let us glimpse into the magical world of Presidential Flatulence.

"Mmmm, nothing like a cold glass of beer."


"Yes, that was me..."

"Play it cool, man. Play it cool."

"Note to self: there is nothing funny about bratwurst and sauerkraut. Everyone loses"

"Did I just do that? Don't act like you're not impressed."

"Savor it, every little ounce of it. Close your eyes and let it become part of you."

" Oh...thats potent. I promised myself I wouldn't go with the brats and kraut. My bad."

"I gambled...and lost."

"I really need to stop with the brats and sauerkraut."