Friday, January 2, 2009

Batman and Superman Part 2

First- Response to Spencer:  Your super comic book nerdery should be a shameful secret that no one knows about. 

Second- you are right, Punisher is the greatest comic book hero of ALL time.


Well, I guess my in depth discussion of the Batman and Superman is over.  Thanks for ruining it Spencer. 


Korynn- Bruce Wayne does not give money to Law Enforcement because there is only one honest cop on the Gotham City PD.  Booyah!


Merilee- Mark doesn’t count until he has a comic book and stops a crime.  You just got served!  (He does have awesome sideburns.)


Brian- Ghostrider, the undead and a flaming head on a motorcycle?  Yup- Awesome x5.


Stay tuned to my next roundtable discussion where I discuss the merits of a company that haunts liberals dreams and makes them soil themselves- Blackwater USA.


1 comment:

MotherMonkee said...

I tried to keep Spencer quiet so he wouldn't spew his nerd all over the place, but alas, I was unsuccessful! Our shameful secret is now out for all the world-wide web to read!