Monday, December 15, 2008

Out of the mouth of babes...

Last night we had just finished reading our scriptures and Sharel asked the girls who the President of the Church is.  Rachel answered President Monson.  Eryn asked if Obama was President of the church.  We explained to her the difference, that Obama was president of the US, and President Monson is the prophet.  Eryn then said she can’t wait for another contest to pick out the king of the country.


Then Eryn explained to us that she was afraid of Barack Obama because he is a bad man and he might break into our house at night.  I told her he wouldn’t do that because he has lots of money and there is nothing in our house he would want.


Eryn:  I know why he has lots of money.


Me:  Why?


Eryn:  Because he steals it from people!


I promise we did not teach Eryn to strongly dislike or be afraid of Obama.  In fact we have told her that he will be the president and deserves a certain amount of support and respect. 


So, that must mean that ‘out of the mouths of babes…’