Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A green vacation...

A couple of months ago the KC Star ran a whole series on “going green.”  One of their installments was about having a “green” wedding.  They had a plethora of stupid suggestions along with a huge, dumb article.  As I was reading through their suggestions, I came upon a box entitled “The Honeymoon” and read this fine gem- “research cruise lines to see if they have a history of labor infractions.”


100 pesos to the first person who can tell me what labor infractions have to do with the environement.


Well, I will answer my own question- nothing.  Nada.  So why should we be concerned if the janitor on the boat is part of a Union?  Because 60 years ago, going green would have been called going “red.”


For those of you that don’t understand, which I think the three people who read my blog do understand, its because being green is a mask for marxism.  Evil, big bad corporations that exploit the workers.  That is why, if you are going green, you need to make sure that not only are you aware of environmental concerns, but also the plight of the proletariat.


Hippies suck.


Peace- I’m out!


1 comment:

Merilee said...

Which doesn't mean you shouldn't recycle if you feel so inclined or make an effort not to waste things. Just means all that "go green" stuff is a bunch of bull crap to make people feel better about their meaningless consumer driven lives. Or something. "Green" has just become a euphemism for human, animal and tree rights, so, you are right. Communism at its finest.