Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Unfounded Facist Claims Addressed!

I have heard a number of claims that this new Healthcare Bill is unconstitutional. Really!? Why, it is not unconstitutional, it falls right into the bounds of the Venezuelan Constitution. And really, I think people do not give it enough credit, it is not a nationalization of healthcare. It is more conservative than that. The democrats had to make a lot of concessions to the bigwig fatcat rich republicans and that is why it does not reflect the values of the Cuban constitution. We after all are a melting pot of nationalities each with it's own special values and culture. Why not add a little Cuban here, and a little Venezuelan there. Perhaps if you do not think so, you are racist.
Another issue that concerns me is when the rich fatcat racist that oppose this bill talk of mandates. Of course state governments have forced people to buy car insurance! What is the difference?! And before you say- well, if you don't own a car, or if you do not drive, you are not required to buy car insurance- I say "Don't confuse me with facts!"
Das Vedanya!

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