I just want to ask all of the elected officials in Washington 2 questions-
1. Is the current Healthcare bill before you an issue of “moral principle”?
2. If yes, then is the moral aspect of the legislation important enough to bypass democratic principles for the greater good?
The answers to these questions would be very telling. I have a suspicion that democrats have convinced themselves that this is an issue of morality, and therefore should not be subject to Constitutional guidelines and principles, not to mention basic representation of elected leaders in this Republic of ours. Which brings up another important point, one that is greater than the healthcare bill, it would confirm at least to me, the disdain liberals have for the Constitution, not to mention fundamental human liberties.
I have to admit that I have been fairly optimistic the last few months, that common sense will prevail. That democrats, especially those in the House, would push back against Pelosi for their own political future. It is clear that a majority of Americans do not want this bill passed. It is also extremely clear that less than 1/5 of Americans think what congress is doing is good. Less than 1 out of every 5 people do not like congress. That means even that one person still has a right arm that disagrees with congress. Now I am convinced that the democrats just plain don’t care. More importantly, Obama and Pelosi DO NOT CARE what we think. All of you that voted for Obama- do you realize that he has treated you like a cheap prostitute? You have been used, and promptly tossed aside. What’s worse is he didn’t even pay. He has shown that he does not even want to waste his time listening to you. Now think back to the past year. Over the summer recess with all the town halls, I was convinced that healthcare was DOA. Wrong. Even after getting yelled at, they still passed it. Scott Brown was elected, and they lost their filibuster proof majority- once again, thought the issue was over. Obama in his State of the Union told us he was focused too much on healthcare and 2010 would be the year of Jobs, Jobs, and Jobs. I thought, ok, this is his way of trying to bow out without egg on his face, and perhaps he will wait until after the midterm elections to start it up again. Wrong. This whole thing is spiraling out of control, and quickly. I believe they are prepared to do what is ever necessary to get this bill passed. Mark my words, and I hope I am wrong, but if this thing does not pass Sunday, it is not the end of it. This is going to go on and on, until finally I fully believe the Constitution and all legislative precedent will be thrown out the window, and this will become the law of the land. I don’t know how they could do it, but I have no doubt it will at least be attempted. And when that happens, I think we are going to see the so called “populist rage” come to a boiling point. For the first time I am really quite concerned about what the future will be. I am not scared, just concerned. Things will get ugly. Things will get hard.
We read in the Book of Mormon that at one point the people would “contend warmly” with each other, and eventually that turned into blows. Physical fighting over things. We are not there yet, but I think we are close.
Now that I have sounded very alarmist- let me tell you that although I am concerned, I really have no fear. We are prepared, not physically, but spiritually. We are not perfect, far, far from it. But we are doing the seminary things, and I can attest to the comfort that having the gospel be the center focus in your life reaps some amazing benefits. I hope and pray that some cooler, calmer heads will prevail in all of this. That those around us, those we elect will recognize what this is doing to this country, and put a stop to this fever pitch. But, if not, we will make it through. I have always told Sharel that all we really need in life is to be able to make and keep covenants. The world can fall apart around us, but as long as we can make and keep our covenants, we will be ok.
Anyway- PEACE, I’M OUT!