Monday, February 8, 2010

Car Kit of Doom...

Now, on to the car kit.  Most people think of the car kit as a kit kept in the car- with things such as jumper cables, tools, blankets, food, and water.  That should be in your car at all times, and what I am talking about is different from that.

Our Car Kit will first include you BoB.  The Car Kit is put together to enable you to take more things with you if you a) have more time to get out, say 20 minutes, and b)are able to drive your vehicle out.

So, with those two requirements in mind, let’s discuss the car kit. 

The car kit should be portable, that means plastic tubs, or foot lockers, suitcases, even cardboard boxes- just as long as you can grab it.  When putting one together, think of how much space you will have in your vehicle to put this stuff.  In our minivan, we could probably fit 4-6 tubs in the back, with an extra 2 up front.  If we have time, we could even fit more on the roof of the van, as we have a luggage rack.  Evaluate what you can fit.  Also what scenarios would you most likely need the car kit for-

Zombies are coming into you city, you have 20 minutes to leave.  You decide to leave and drive to family in Utah.  That means at least a 16 hour drive and who knows how long until you can come back.  What would you need?

Well the first is food, and you could probably pack a good 3 or 4 days worth of food in your car.  Water- you probably would not be able to fit gallons and gallons of water, but a couple of 7 gallon containers of water would not be unreasonable.

A couple of days worth of clothes

Tent, sleeping bags, tarps, propane stove with propane, rope, more rope.

Tools- folding shovel, saw, hatchet, car tools

More ammo, perhaps even a .22 survival rifle, or a Mossberg 12ga that can easily be broken down to fit in a storage tub.

A Comprehensive first aid kit- a large one, one with everything- if you have the scrilla, get a First Responder Bag, can get them off of Galls.  (Ask Korynn and Bryan what to get for a first responder bag, that would be a good FHE).

Any number of things can and should be included in the car kit above and beyond what is needed for basic survival.  It just really depends on your family, what you are comfortable with and without.  The Car Kit could actually be your 72 (ahem, I mean 96) hour kit that everyone talks about.  It just needs to be portable enough to grab and throw in the vehicle. 



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