Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Deep Thought 15


I thought this was too good not to post.  It is from Glenn Beck, and I think it is really good, especially in cutting through some of the BS out there and show Obama for who he really is- an egomaniacal lump of poo, who happens to be at the worst a out and out Marxist, and at the very least an idiot socialist.


The issue:

ObaMyths: Yes, this time, the idiot will most likely be your conservative friend. All of these ridiculous email rumors about Obama weaken our position, thus, they need to be addressed. There are way too many real, factual problems with Barack Obama to get sidetracked in Urban Legend.

What the liberal (or in this case, misguided conservative) whiners say:

1. 'Barack Obama is a secret radical Muslim!'
2. 'Barack Obama refuses to say the Pledge of Allegiance!'
3. 'In his first book Obama wrote: "I will stand with the Muslims if the political winds shift in an ugly direction'
4. 'Barack Obama was sworn in on the Quran, NOT the Bible'
5. 'Barack Obama's ears are so big, if he's elected President, he could cause a total eclipse of the sun if he goes up in Air Force One!'

Your winning, logical, reasoned arguments:

1. No, he is a converted Christian, whose father was Muslim. There is no evidence at all of his having been raised at some radical Madrassa in Indonesia during his childhood. That was a rumor thought to have originated from the Hillary Clinton campaign. A far better and TRUE argument is that he spent 19 years in the radicalized "Black Liberation Theology" Trinity United Church, with Pastor Jeremiah Wright. With "BLT's" origins in Marxism and hatred for whites, this should be a concern to ANY thinking American. It is also accurate to say that Barack Obama has some VERY radical associates. Anti-American Reverend Jeremiah Wright for one. Weather Underground terrorist, William Ayers, who bombed the Pentagon in the early '70's for another. The mentor to whom he refers in his first book, "Dreams From My Father", Frank Marshall Davis, was a Black poet and avowed member of the Communist Party USA. He mentions in that same book that in college, he preferred the company of Marxist professors, among other radicals. So, a Muslim? No. An extremist and a Marxist? Yes.

2. The true origin of this rumor, is that at a particular campaign appearance during the primaries, Obama was onstage with Hillary Clinton and Bill Richardson. When the National Anthem was played, Hillary and Richardson both placed their hands over the hearts for the anthem. Obama stood with his hands clasped in front of him. Disrespectful? Yes. He has also alternately said he wouldn't wear a flag pin on his lapel, then said he never said that, then said he would, then didn't again. Obama also recently removed the American flag from he tail section of his customized campaign jet, and replaced it with his "O" logo. Ego over patriotism?

3. Actually, he doesn't say anything like this statement in his first book. Someone took what he said about being careful in a post 9/11 world, not to remove any groups rights, and twisted it into the "Muslim" statement, but he makes no specific reference to Muslims at all.

4. Obama was sworn in on the Bible, like everyone else. This rumor confuses Muslim Congressman, Keith Ellison of Minnesota, with Obama. Ellison was sworn in on the Bible in the group ceremony with all the other freshmen in Congress, then used the Quran for his private ceremony. In their private ceremony, officials can be sworn in on the Yellow Pages if they want.

5. After checking with NASA's solar scientists, this one actually appears to be true. 


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