Saturday, July 3, 2010

Clarification on guns

I am ok with certain regulations on guns, just as I am on cars. Allow me to elaborate:
I am ok with age restrictions on owning firearms.
I am ok with background checks.
I am ok with outlawing straw purchases (although it really is just the honor system at play here.)
I am ok with one private citizen selling a gun to another private citizen.
I am ok with the tax stamp for owning an automatic weapon.
I am ok with having to take a training class before you carry a firearm.
Beyond that, there are not many more things I am ok with. A gun is dangerous. So is a car, an arc welder, a table saw, a nail gun. Cars kill far more people than guns do, so why have we not banned cars yet?
Just some facts that I found- in 2004 the number car crash fatalities was 42,636. The firearm fatalities (which includes all types of deaths from firearms- accidental, murder, etc.)was 29,569.

Also on more interesting fact- in 2008, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report, the firearm of choice for murderers was a handgun, not a rifle by a 2 to 1 margin (an AK-47 is classified as a rifle). Leads me to believe the only gangstas who use AK's are in the movies. Besides, how many times do you here about 10 or more people getting shot at the same time? Has it happened, maybe, I can't find anywhere in the US where a gang member rolled up with an AK and took out a rival gang at the same time. If it does happen, it is rare. and AK's are legal to buy and own. Where is the mass killing from all the non-banned assault rifles?

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