Thursday, August 13, 2009

An epiphany...

Sharel and I have been shaking our heads the past few weeks, and to a lesser extent for the past few years over how our democrat party politicians treat their constituents.  I was flabbergasted when Claire McCaskill admitted on a local radio show that although the majority of the calls coming into her office urged her to vote against the stimulus bill, she would ignore it because it did not represent everyone in her district.   It never computed in my mind why you would ignore the majority of your constituents.  After all, this is a representative republic, where we send representatives to Washington that will articulate the majority views of their districts.  I have spent many an hour trying to wrap my head around this break in logic.

But, today I had an epiphany.  A staple of the Democratic party is sticking up for the minorities, and I am not talking ethnic minorities, but the minority thought, the ideas that a lesser part of the people believe in.  This is how they can justify it.  When you combine the liberal elitist thinking that  majority thought is uninformed, sheep-like thought, then it is easy to see why they will still support things that most of their constituents don’t want.  Look at any hippie, or any college student, and their big thing is to be a “non-conformist”, by conforming to a group with less membership.  This explains why the dope smoking, Elvis Costello hat wearing, indie-music listening college student abhors the oppression of Tibetans, but is A-ok with the oppression of the Iraqi people.  Just look at him- drinking crappy overpriced coffee, his hatred of Wal-Mart and Jews/Christians, while working on his macbook listening to an indie-band (which is code for crap band).  Everything he does is to deliberately avoid the appearance of being part of the majority crowd. 

Liberal politicians are really just old hippies.  Plain and simple- they do not like to be identified with anything resembling the majority in this country.  Or, more than likely, they can’t stand the idea of people making choices and decisions without them.  After all, I’ve never met a liberal who wasn’t smarter than everyone else in the room (for proof, just watch an episode of “Whale Wars”, or just go down to the Westport Coffee house and strike up a conversation with any one).

On a side note, it is funny to see some of the liberal sites and the outrage they are displaying because their tactics have been hijacked.  Yes, there has been an organized effort to oppose healthcare, but big deal, what’s wrong with that?  After all, Premier Obama himself was a young community organizer before the party apparatchik noticed his commitment to freeing the oppressed peoples of the United States from the infernal system of democracy currently in place.  So why are the great unwashed so upset now that conservatives are doing the same thing?  Once again, I will refer you to “Whale Wars”.  I know only 4 people read my blog, and I am sure all have seen whale wars, but just in case- Whale Wars is a show on Animal Planet consisting of a group of young, environmentally conscious activists on a boat in the Antarctic harassing Japanese whalers.  The head of this ragtag group of know-it-alls is a founding member of GreenPeace, but is such a monumental a** that GreenPeace voted unanimously to kick him out.  The entertainment value that lies within the show is watching a bunch of liberal, hippie, elitists epically fail at everything they do. Seriously, if it wasn’t a documentary, it would most certainly be a comedy on the scale of 30 Rock or Scrubs.  As I mentioned earlier, just watch the show to see how they all think they are smarter than everyone else, and how they cry and are honestly  offended when the Japanese whalers use the hippies tactics against them.  Exactly what is happening now on a grand scale with these townhalls.  After all- Bush+Hitler= Free Speech, but Obama+Hitler=racist, hate speech that must be stopped.  To end- forget all the holocaust stuff, and look at who the Nazis were- National Socialists.  Now, which side of the political spectrum does this most closely relate?  I think the democrats at this point should pay Pelosi’s Doctor next time she gets a Botox injection to stick it in her vocal cords and shut that woman up.  (Pelosi is the one who brought Nazis into this whole debate)

Summary of my post:

1.        Liberals abhor the thought of any idea that is shared by a majority of the populace.

2.       Liberals think they are the smartest in the room

3.       Whale Wars=Fail (watch this Friday because they totally get pwned by the Japanese)

4.       Liberals=hypocrites of monumental proportions

5.       Most oppressive governments have been to the left of the political spectrum (they would most certainly have to be, since less government means less chances for authoritarian and totalitarian governments, and the Nazis were no more right wing extremists than Arlen Spectre is a conservative.)

Peace- I’m out.