Monday, September 29, 2008

Deep Thought

So Sharel and I watched the Presidential Debate on Friday (yes, we realize this is very pathetic), and I had a couple of thoughts.  In my mind, the debate would have been infinitely more awesome if it had gone something like this:


Supposedy John McCain has a legendary temper.  I didn’t see it, but imagine if Obama somehow got that legendary temper fired up.  Then, all of a sudden, McCain blows a gasket in his brain and has a violent, Vietnam, POW flashback, ala Rambo in First Blood.  So he takes his pen and leaps over the podium and charges Obama, stabbing at waist level (since he cannot raise his arms).  Wouldn’t that have been more entertaining?


Seriously, some thoughts:


Obama got flustered quite a few times.


McCain put him to shame on knowledge of the Baltic region and Russia.


Somehow a conservative McCain showed up to this one.


I think, and most will disagree with me, but Obama really showed me that he has no clue what he is talking about.


Obama couldn’t state which large socialist programs he would need to cut given the $700billion expenditure, whereas McCain said he would freeze ALL spending with the exception of defense and some key programs. 


Jim Lehrer is an old fart that needs to retire already.

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