Monday, June 30, 2008

Deep Thought no. 9

Imagine this:

28 year old, unmarried male

frequents Worlds of Fun and Oceans of Fun -alone- every weekend

Thinks people who drive hate bicycle riders because "they are jealous of how happy we are."

Believes that bands actually play better in concerts he attends because they see him and feed off of his energy

wants to ask for a raise at work because he "makes co-workers more productive and happy because they see [his] enthusiasm and hard work and it inspires them"

Wants to move to Brussells, because it is the center of the "progressive" universe

No it's obviously not me, but I sit by him at work- day in and day out...

Welcome to my little slice of hell.


L S. "Spencer" Olsen said...

Get packin' and kick rocks, Hippy!!
Brussels or bust!

TheFirehouse said...

Time to take up an office collection to start the "send the liberal hippy douche to Brussels" fund