Thursday, March 24, 2011

politics bores me right now

the title says it all, but before I sign off for the next 6 months or so, I would like to get a couple of deep thoughts out there on politics.

1. Libya- so all you anti-war protesters that took time out from smoking the reefer and playing tetris to get out and vote for Obama, what is going through your minds now?
He seemed to run on a pretty solid anti war platform, and what has he done so far to make good on his promises- pull the troops out of Iraq - didn't really do that, the 2012 timetable was actually Bush's agreement . He pulled the troops out of, wait, he actually sent more troops to Afghanistan. Well, he may not have done that stuff, but he did shut down Guantanamo Bay... he didn't? I'll be, he didn't. Well, surely he got rid of all that icky stuff that fascist Bush put into place like the PATRIOT Act and wiretaps and all that stuff- right? No, I guess he didn't do that either. I am just wondering what everyone who was so passionate about old Obama's antithesis of Bush's warmongering are thinking now?

2. Government spending- it is outrageous and out of control. It makes me literally sick when I see how little congress is concerned about how much they spend and what it is doing to this country. I think everything needs to be cut- EVERYTHING- that includes military spending. Get out of Iraq and Afghanistan now and lets tend to our house first, then we can go over to the neighbors and dig in their yard. I know some say the answer to the deficit is to raise taxes. Especially on businesses. Guess what, tax a business, you are really taxing the customer. If you don't believe me, just look at the gasoline industry. The federal, state and local fuel taxes are passed straight to you. You think the donut shop down the street is any different. The Feds start taxing them an extra .10 for every bagel they sell, I guarantee every bagel you buy will go up .10. And for all you moaning about the tax cut extensions, and how the republicans rammed it down our throats, take a look at the democrats who are staunchly unwilling to cut ANYTHING. I would be willing to pay higher taxes if congress would cut 42% out of the budget. Why 42%, because they borrow .42 on every dollar they spend.

3. Gay marriage- here's something for you guys, gov't should NOT be involved in marriage AT ALL. It is a religious institution and should therefore be left to the religions. I think all the government should be able to do is make two people legal partners that have rights to property. The partners do not need to be in love, it could be two old ladies, a guy and his grandma, a woman and her dog, business partners, I don't care, if you want to enter into a legal contract to be able to make decisions for people and inherit property when they die, then you should be able to no matter who you are or who they are. But leave marriage alone, especially the government, it is a religious matter and so you should separate yourself from it. The government is in no condition to start inflicting moral values on its citizens. Cause quite honestly, their moral values conflict with my moral values.

Anyhoo, there are a couple of my deep political thoughts to tie you over till summer.
Peace- I'm OUT!


jon said...

I agree with you, pretty much. If you can find me a Republican that says we need to pull our troops out of these oil pits in the middle east and shift our spending from the military to education and healthcare, I will gladly vote for that Republican.

Danny said...

Wow, I feel like something magical just happened- you pretty much agree with me. A new dawn of a new age has begun. The only republican that I can think of that wants to get out of the Middle East is Ron Paul. But, to be fair, he is more of a libertarian, like moi, than a republican.