Friday, October 9, 2009

A funny thing happened this morning...

Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, and Yasser Arafat (I know he’s dead, but pretend he is alive so this will be funny) were sitting around the Super Friends headquarters when they received a cryptic message from Oslo, Norway.  The message told of an old legend regarding their Noble Peace Prize medals.  The spirit of Nobel had forged three Medals in the fires of Mount Obtuse.  This gave the medals great power, to someday be able to summon a star child, who would unite a world fallen in shambles from the great evil triumvirate- Religion, Capitalism, and Personal Responsibility.  The message went on to state that now was the time to summon the Star Child.  Universal Healthcare was on the verge of collapse, US Troops are on the brink of not being killed in Afghanistan by being reinforced, and people everywhere were beginning to complain about enormous government programs.  Only the Star Child could bring hope and peace, and change of hope and peace to an otherwise lost world.  The three medals of legend were now with three chosen for their different virtues- Carter, the Peace Maker, Gore, the Protectorate of the Environment, and Arafat, the Killer of Jews.  “Unite the medals!  Unite! For the time of the Star Child is at hand!”

Carter, Arafat and Gore stood and thrust forth their medals- “I bring the spirit of peace!”  “ I bring the spirit of the environment!”  “I bring the spirit of Jew hating!”  “With our powers combined we get…”           Well, you know the rest of the story.  (if you stop playing online poker and read the news!)