Thursday, June 18, 2009

Example of more Government Idiocy

Why can’t government ever do the most obvious and simple thing?  Is lack of common sense a prerequisite for elected office?  Or even bureaucratic service? 


There is a park in Johnson County, KS that has an overpopulation of deer.  (for those unfamiliar with Johnson County, just think “Rich, White Guilt.”)  Anyhoo, the deer are becoming a nuisance to the residents around the park, destroying their landscaping and carrying disease ridden ticks.  Just so you don’t get the impression the park is the size of a playground- it’s not.  It is a county park that is quite large 1250 acres.  Well, I think anyone reading this would see the most obvious and simple solution to thinning out the herd.  If you don’t see the most obvious and simple solution- stop reading my blog!


After months of hearing from hippie liberals about doing things like using a Star Trek transporter to beam the deer to a different location, the Parks Board and the county elected officials have come up with a brilliant plan.  For a mere cost of over $100,000 they will recruit police officers and park rangers.  They will then send them to receive specialized training in shooting a deer.  Then after the newly formed S.W.A.T.S.D.D.U. (Special Weapons Advanced Tactical Sharpshooter Deer Disposal Unit) receives it’s training, they will put food out, sit in a deer stand, and when Bambi starts eating his last meal- BLAM!.  Brilliant, just brilliant.  After killing the deer, they will then pay at around $100 a deer to have the deer cut up and sent to local food pantries- the ones who will actually accept the deer meat.  They plan on killing about 350 deer.  Do the math.  $35,000.


Of course, they could do this- have a controlled hunt where they have a very limited number of bow hunters come out, charge them $35 for a tag, and a $50 hunting fee.  They kill the deer, they take the deer home, they process the meat.  They could actually make $29,750 off of the whole thing.  In fact, from the response I heard on the radio, hunters would be willing to pay quite a bit more for the opportunity to hunt.  There is another park on the Missouri side that does this exact thing.  You pay a $20 application fee.  They draw a limited number of names.  These people attend a safety training class.  During a two week period of time, they can take as many deer as they can- but for each deer they kill, they have to buy a $20 tag.  This park makes money. 


Seems so simple to me.  But then again, I am not an elected official.


TheFirehouse said...

I agree with you. I for one would go hunting deer and have some fun doing it weither it is with a bow or a rifle. Most goverment officials don't have a clue because there head is up there butts and think everything smells rosey.

L S. "Spencer" Olsen said...

Hey man, don't forget, this is the state that keeps re-electing Kathleen Sebelius.

Ransom said...

I'm not a big fan of hunting and even I think letting hunters take care of it is a better idea.