Thursday, June 18, 2009

Example of more Government Idiocy

Why can’t government ever do the most obvious and simple thing?  Is lack of common sense a prerequisite for elected office?  Or even bureaucratic service? 


There is a park in Johnson County, KS that has an overpopulation of deer.  (for those unfamiliar with Johnson County, just think “Rich, White Guilt.”)  Anyhoo, the deer are becoming a nuisance to the residents around the park, destroying their landscaping and carrying disease ridden ticks.  Just so you don’t get the impression the park is the size of a playground- it’s not.  It is a county park that is quite large 1250 acres.  Well, I think anyone reading this would see the most obvious and simple solution to thinning out the herd.  If you don’t see the most obvious and simple solution- stop reading my blog!


After months of hearing from hippie liberals about doing things like using a Star Trek transporter to beam the deer to a different location, the Parks Board and the county elected officials have come up with a brilliant plan.  For a mere cost of over $100,000 they will recruit police officers and park rangers.  They will then send them to receive specialized training in shooting a deer.  Then after the newly formed S.W.A.T.S.D.D.U. (Special Weapons Advanced Tactical Sharpshooter Deer Disposal Unit) receives it’s training, they will put food out, sit in a deer stand, and when Bambi starts eating his last meal- BLAM!.  Brilliant, just brilliant.  After killing the deer, they will then pay at around $100 a deer to have the deer cut up and sent to local food pantries- the ones who will actually accept the deer meat.  They plan on killing about 350 deer.  Do the math.  $35,000.


Of course, they could do this- have a controlled hunt where they have a very limited number of bow hunters come out, charge them $35 for a tag, and a $50 hunting fee.  They kill the deer, they take the deer home, they process the meat.  They could actually make $29,750 off of the whole thing.  In fact, from the response I heard on the radio, hunters would be willing to pay quite a bit more for the opportunity to hunt.  There is another park on the Missouri side that does this exact thing.  You pay a $20 application fee.  They draw a limited number of names.  These people attend a safety training class.  During a two week period of time, they can take as many deer as they can- but for each deer they kill, they have to buy a $20 tag.  This park makes money. 


Seems so simple to me.  But then again, I am not an elected official.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A few observations

Just a few things I have noticed in the political realm:

1.        Everyday the media’s love affair with Obama gets worse and worse.  I see a few cracks here and there, but for the most part, the media, or should I say the propaganda arm of the government, is holding strong in their joyful glee over Obama.

2.       Robert Gibbs has got to be the worse press secretary ever.  And it is just further evidence of the above point that the media tolerates the diarrhea that comes out of his mouth on a daily basis.  Example #1- Warning the media to be “exceedingly careful” about what they say about Comrade Sotomayor.  Example #2- When asked how much the NY date night cost, Gibbs stalled and finally evaded by accusing the media of picking on Obama.  I just don’t know how long the “journalists” in that room can take it, but they have surprised me up to this point.  I give it 2 more years.

3.       Brian Williams being awed and impressed that he saw Obama eating M&M’s in the White House.  Can it get any stupider than this?  Really?  I wonder how Brian Williams would feel if he saw Obama dropping a deuce in the Oval Office bathroom? 

4.       The George Tiller murder.  When I first heard about this, I was genuinely shocked and sad.  No one, even a guy like Tiller, deserves to be murdered.  We have a justice system, and when that doesn’t work, he will be judged in the eternities.  I also think this is going to set back the Pro-Life movement a good decade, just when more people believe in life than in killing babies.  I have been far more shocked and disgusted with the reverence that most media types are using when discussing Tiller.  Some almost seem on the verge of tears contemplating where women will go to have a late term abortion.  It is sickening.  It almost is making me lose my faith in humanity.  Well, at least the liberals out there who I am now convinced have no soul.

5.       Harry Reid’s face makes me want to punch someone.  There is something about it that makes me want to drive my fist into someone’s pie hole.  Weird, huh?