Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Zombie Preparation

Everyone knows that the only thing you really need to be prepared for the impending Zombie Doom is a good, reliable 12 gauge pump action shotgun, with plenty of 00 buck shot and perhaps an axe.  If you have that, you’re set.  But, let’s suppose you want to prepare for just more than the Zombie Apocalypse?  What might you need?  Your needs and preparation will depend on a few different factors.

  1.  Where do you plan on surviving?
  2. How long do you plan on surviving?

In answer to question 1, there are a really 3 options.  The first is staying at your home.   This is probably the best scenario that you can hope for.  If you house is not unsafe to remain in, and there is no evacuation order, then this is probably you best bet for survival.  What situations might require you to remain home?  In Missouri, an ice storm, flooding that has not affected your neighborhood, tornado damage that has not affected your home, a flu or other virus outbreak, riots, or zombies that don’t know how to open doors.

A second option involves needing to leave your home, due to damage, or a general evacuation order and go to a shelter for a few days.  This can happen for a number of reasons, including all the ones mentioned above, but has most consistently been a factor in chemical spills.  Often a neighborhood will be evacuated for a time to allow cleanup.  In this case, if you don’t have family you can stay with, or you are put in a quarantine situation, a red cross shelter is the most likely place.

The third option is evacuation, but having to leave the state, or to travel a fairly long distance to reach a safe area, or family.

Each one of these scenarios will necessitate a different amount of time needed for survival.  Unfortunately it would be almost impossible to plan for each eventuality and have a different stockpile prepared for each.  Instead, there are some general preparation strategies that will meet most of the elements needed for survival.

 There are 4 different stockpiles needed to minimally survive most scenarios. 

  1.  Year’s Supply
  2. 72 hour kit (really more like 96 hour kit, but I will explain later)
  3. Car Kit
  4. Bug-Out Bag.

Each one of these kits can be a part of the kit above it, for example a car kit can be part of your 72 hour kit, and the 72 hour kit part of your year’s supply.  So really it is a matter of organizing things into groups depending on how much time you have to either survive or leave your home.



Merilee said...

We so desperately need help in the preparedness department. Perhaps we should just give you the money and have you buy the things for us.

TheFirehouse said...

So what goes in each kit? Does my bug-out bag need zombie repellant? Can your next installment in the series address that? Merilee--remember the emergency preparedness binder I gave you? One of the pages is 52 things for your 72-hour kit: one item for each week of the year.