Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A purpose...

There are some who read my blog that may wonder what my purpose is in writing.  Is it to inform, to persuade, perhaps to educate?  Nope, it is not any of those.  The 3 or 4 people who read my blog I am sure agree with the things I say, and the others who may stumble here now and then may wonder why anyone cares to read my deep thoughts.  So, what is my purpose?  It is purely for selfish reasons that I write this blog.  I write first of all to vent my frustrations with things going on around me, not so people know, but just for therapeutic reasons.  The second reason I write is to have contact and communication with my extended family.  Knowing they read my blog, and I theirs helps to keep me feeling close to them.  These are really the only reasons I write, in case you ever wondered “who cares?” when reading my blog.


And by the way, Grant is being potty trained (finally!) and is confusing “poop” and “pee”- he thinks they both refer to the act of urinating.  We had to come up with another way to describe the act of the bowel movement, and somehow what he landed on to describe a BM is “stinky brown”.  Just thought everyone should know…


Gotta go and make a stinky brown- Peace, I’m out!


P.S. On a side note- we had better make sure we don’t feed Grant any Fruit Loops, as then he would be really confused as to why what is supposed to be stinky brown is now stinky green.

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